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Let's check if Nets is a good match for your business

We will check if Nets:

accepts your business activity, business model, and volume

Some providers do not accept businesses because of the products or services sold. Or because of complex business models. Other providers simply say no to start-ups or businesses with low annual turnover

supports all major payment methods and currencies for your target markets

We will check if the provider covers all (must-have) payment methods and transaction currencies based on the countries and audience you are selling to

supports your required type of integration

e.g. plugins for commerce platforms like Magento, Shopify, and Wix, or business application software such as Hybris, Salesforce, and Microsoft Dynamics, or API and SDKs

has the correct licenses to sign you up

e.g. in order to process card payments, the provider must have the appropriate license from the card schemes or the right acquiring partners to be permitted to process card payments for your country of incorporation

has specific payment solutions or features as required by your business

e.g. invoicing with the ability to send payment links, offer a pay-now-buy-later option, and facilitate installment plans or subscription-based payments

what we do

Positive match?

You get something extra

You will get a dedicated contact person at Nets.
You can directly reach out to this contact, address any questions you might have, and get your custom pricing proposal.

No match?

You get alternatives for free

We will then search in our 200+ database of Payment Service Providers for alternatives.

You will get this matching result for free.

what's extra
put us to work

Put us to work

  139,000+ businesses already used our service
  No catch, no strings attached

  Free of charge

Would you like to get alternative provider options? (free service)
Are you already accepting payments online?

I confirm that I have read’s Privacy Notice and I agree to the use of my data in line therewith.

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